Well, I just got my blood work from my doctor. It looks as though most of my labs came back normal. Yay!!! Oh wait...not so fast.....my cholesterol levels were not good at all. Out of the four things they look for in your cholesterol, the only level that was normal was my LDL (bad) cholesterol. Go figure. My total cholesterol was 207, my HDL was 45, and my triglycerides were 259. Now, I'm not a nurse or a doctor or anything, so I had no idea what any of these numbers meant. So I surfed the web, and got my answers. Apparently these numbers are not so great.
Now what really is kinda weird to me is this.....I have been obese for over 11 years now. Each and everytime I have had blood work done (which is at least once, if not twice a year), my levels have ALWAYS been normal, or at the low end of normal range. I was diagnosed with diabetes this past December, and have been on Metformin since then...and it has my sugar levels quite normal. But never before have I had any problems with my cholesterol.
So I guess this is just another eye opener for me.....another bean to throw in the pot, letting me know that things need to change drastically. Well, I have my consultation appointment on Wednesday with the doctor....so I'm sure you will hear from me then.
Until then......